A grunt. A squeal. A gunshot in the night. Thus begins a year-long scandal in the kingdom of Prasečov involving two thieves and a nun, a tyrant king, and the royal pig. Rok Prasete ('Year of the Pig') is an original tragicomedy for adults and family audiences (age 10+) featuring puppets, live music, and a tongue-in-cheek parable about the way everything falls apart (including the pig).
Concept: Zuzana Smolová and Peter Gaffney / Puppets & scenography: Peter Gaffney / Performers: Zuzana Smolová and Peter Gaffney / Support: Sladovna (Písek) / For adults and children ages 10+ / Premiere: 8 February, 2020 (Sladovna, Písek)
55 min / available in original Czech, as well as versions in French, Spanish, and English.
Dossier: es | fr | en | cz
Technical rider: es | fr | en | cz
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Review in Divadelní Noviny
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Trailer video: es | fr | cz